Pindar SM – Fragments of Pindar, 2 vol.

Pindar SM – Fragments of Pindar, 2 vol., ed. B. Snell and H. Maehler. Leipzig 1975 (4th ed.).

New Translations

Volume 2

Hymns fr 35 SM – p. 10

The Titans having been released from those bonds under your hands, o Lord  (Transl. E. Bianchelli)   EGM p. 47

Paian. 4.35-53 – pp. 23-24

I approve the words of lord
who refused to rule over the Cretans, although they
were eager,
and to share a seventh part of one hundred
cities with the sons of Pasiphaë.
But he told them his own omen:
“Truly I fear war
with Zeus and I fear loud-rumbling Earthshaker.
With their thunderbolt and trident they once
sent the land and all the people
into deep Tartarus, sparing my mother
and the entire well-fenced house.
Then, am I to pursue wealth and reject as totally void
this land’s ordinance from the blessed gods,
in order to have a great inheritance elsewhere? Too
would be my constant
fear. Give up, my mind, the cypress tree,
give up the pasture land around Ida.

To me has been given a small (portion?) of bush(?) . . .
but I have been allotted no sorrows, no civil strife.  EGM p. 270 lower

Paian 12.16-17 – p. 50 

They uttered a great roar from their mouth

both Eleithuia and Lachesis. (Transl. E. Bianchelli)  EGM p. 7, 83 upper


Dithyrambs fr 70b.21 SM – p. 74

in Bacchic orgies (transl. E Bianchelli)  EGM p. 118

Dithyrambs fr 81 SM – p. 84 (= p. 75)

I on my part praise you, Geryoneus, but were you not dearest to Zeus, I would be completly silent. (Transl. E. Bianchelli) EGM p. 407

fr 100 SM – p. 94

Pan was born to Penelope and Apollo (or Mercury?) on Mount Lykaion. (Transl. E. Bianchelli)  EGM p. 110

fr 156 SM – p. 119

Mighty dancing Silenos, husband of Nais, who was reared by the mountain of Maleas  (Transl. E. Bianchelli)  EGM p. 138

fr 162 SM – p. 120

(Otos and Ephialtes) falling swiftly down a ladder to the lofty sky (Transl. E. Bianchelli)  EGM p. 170

fr 166 SM – p. 121

When the Centaurs knew the man-taming smell of honey-sweet wine, they impetuously hurled the white milk from the tables and, drinking of their own freewill from silver horns, they were becoming drunk…  (Transl. Aaron J. Ivey)  EGM  pp. 144279

fr 175 – p. 127

…Antiope the Amazon was snatched away by Peirithous and Theseus… (Transl. Aaron J. Ivey)  EGM  p. 282 lower

fr 176 – p. 127

although Theseus had a son, Demophon, with Antiope… (Transl. Aaron J. Ivey)  EGM  p. 282 lower, 283

fr 177d – p. 128

the riddle from the savage jaws of a maiden (Translated by T. N. Gantz)  EGM p. 496

fr 253 SM – p. 143

Erichthonios…appeared from the earth  (Transl. Aaron J. Ivey).  EGM  p. 233

fr 266 SM – p. 145

that the Cyclopes had been killed by Zeus fearing that they might forge weapons for anyone else of the gods. (Transl. E. Bianchelli)   EGM p. 13

fr 283 SM – p. 146

Hera is chained by Hephaestos on a throne that he had built. (Transl. E. Bianchelli) EGM p. 75



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