Pelops and Hippodameia (page 545 upper)

Ch. 15: The Line of Tantalos

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Plato, Kratylos 395b

And so, too, the name of Atreus is likely to be correct; for his murder of Chrysippus and the cruelty of his acts to Thyestes are all damaging and ruinous (ἀτηρά) to his virtue. Now the form of his name is slightly deflected and hidden, so that it does not make the man’s nature plain to every one; but to those who understand about names it makes the meaning of Atreus plain enough.  Greek Text

♠ Σ Or 4 – Scholia to Euripides, Orestes  Scholia in Euripidem 1, pp. 95-96, ed. E. Schwartz. Berlin 1887.

Greek Text

Dositheos 54F1 FGrH – Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker 1pp. 295-96, ed. F. Jacoby. 2 nd ed. Leiden 1957.

Greek Text

Fab 85 – Hyginus, Fabulae

When Pelops blamed Hippodamia, she killed herselfLatin Text

Paus 6.20.7 – Pausanias, Description of Greece

The story is that Hippodameia withdrew to Midea in Argolis, because Pelops was very angry with her over the death of Chrysippus.  Greek Text

Hes fr 190 MW – Hesiod, Ehoiai (Catalogue of Women) – Hesiodi Theogonia, Opera et Dies, Scutum, pp.90-91, ed. Solmsen. 3d ed. Oxford 1990.

P. Oxy. 2502, ed. Lobel

. . . they armed kindre[d] blood. [And after them in her hall]s the noble among women bore daughters, [Lysidike and Nikip]pe and Astydameia, [whom the sons of Perseus m]a[r]ied as wives; [Alkaios,] counselor equal [to a god] m[ade Astydameia his vigorous] bedfellow . . . [and the force of l]or[d Sthe]nelos [married Nikippe] . . . [Herakl]es’s [force] . . . he [or]dained labor[s] . . . [and o]n fastened [chariots] . . .   (Transl. Silvio Curtis)

See Early Greek Myth, Ch. 10: Perseus and Bellerophontes, The Death of Akrisios and Perseus’ Children, p. 311.

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Edited by Elena Bianchelli, Retired Senior Lecturer of Classical Languages and Culture, Univ. of Georgia, April 2024.

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