Iphigeneia and the Second Mobilization at Aulis (page 582 lower)

Chapter 16, The Trojan War

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Il 9.144-45Homer, Iliad

Three daughters have I in my well-builded hall, [145] Chrysothemis, and Laodice, and IphianassaGreek Text

Kypria fr 24 PEG – Poetae Epici Graeci 1, p. 58, ed. A. Bernabé. Leipzig 1987.

SCHOL. Soph. El. 157 (110 Papageorgios)  He either agrees with Homer (Il 9.144) who said that Homer had three daughters or he says, as the Kypria, that he had four, including Iphigeneia and Iphianassa.  (Transl. E. Bianchelli)

Proklos, Kypria Summary PEG – Poetae Epici Graeci 1, p. 41, ed. A. Bernabé. Leipzig 1987.

Hesiod, Ehoiai (The Catalogue of Women) fr 23a.13-26 MW – Fragmenta Hesiodea, pp. 13-14, ed. R. Merkelbach and M. L. West. Oxford 1967.

Agamemnon <lord of men> married the dark-eyed daughter <of Tyndareos, Klytaimestra, for the sake of her beauty (?)>. [15] And she in his halls <bore slim-ankled Iphimede> and Elektra who rivaled the goddesses in beauty. Iphimede the well greaved Achaians slaughtered on the altar of famed <Artemis of the golden arrows> on that day <when they sailed on their ships> to Ilion [20] <to exact> a penalty for the <slim-ankled> Argive woman, an eidôlon, that is. For <Iphimede herself the huntress> showerer of arrows easily saved, and pored down upon her head <lovely ambrosia, so that her flesh might be unchanging>,and she made her immortal and ageless all her days. [25] And now the races of men upon the hearth call her Artemis of the wayside, <the attendant of the famous> showerer of arrows. (Lines 13-26, Transl. T. N. Gantz)

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Edited by Elena Bianchelli, Retired Senior Lecturer of Classical Languages and Culture, Univ. of Georgia, January 2023

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