♠ Aen 3.22-68 – Vergil, Aeneid
Not far, a rising hillock stood in view;
Sharp myrtles on the sides, and cornels grew.
There, while I went to crop the sylvan scenes,
And shade our altar with their leafy greens,
I pull’d a planT’mdash;with horror I relate
A prodigy so strange and full of fate.
The rooted fibers rose, and from the wound
Black bloody drops distill’d upon the ground.
Mute and amaz’d, my hair with terror stood;
Fear shrunk my sinews, and congeal’d my blood.
Mann’d once again, another plant I try:
That other gush’d with the same sanguine dye.
Then, fearing guilt for some offense unknown,
With pray’rs and vows the Dryads I atone,
With all the sisters of the woods, and most
The God of Arms, who rules the Thracian coast,
That they, or he, these omens would avert,
Release our fears, and better signs impart.
Clear’d, as I thought, and fully fix’d at length
To learn the cause, I tugged with all my strength:
I bent my knees against the ground; once more
The violated myrtle ran with gore.
Scarce dare I tell the sequel: from the womb
Of wounded earth, and caverns of the tomb,
A groan, as of a troubled ghost, renew’d
My fright, and then these dreadful words ensued:
‘Why dost thou thus my buried body rend?
O spare the corpse of thy unhappy friend!
Spare to pollute thy pious hands with blood:
The tears distil not from the wounded wood;
But ev’ry drop this living tree contains
Is kindred blood, and ran in Trojan veins.
O fly from this unhospitable shore,
Warn’d by my fate; for I am Polydore!
Here loads of lances, in my blood embrued,
Again shoot upward, by my blood renew’d.’
My falt’ring tongue and shiv’ring limbs declare
My horror, and in bristles rose my hair. Continue Reading Latin Text
♠ Stesichoros, Iliou Persis fr 198 PMG – Poetae Melici Graeci, p. 108, ed. D. L. Page. Oxford 1962.
Pausan. 10.27.2
About Hekabe Stesichoros said in the Iliou Persis that she was taken to Lydia by Apollo. (Transl. E. Bianchelli)
♠ Dar 43 – Dares, De Excidio Troiae Historia – Dictys Cretensis et Dares Phrygius: De Bello Trojano, pp. 51-52 ed. A. J. Valpy. London 1825.
Helenus went to the Chersonese, accompanied by Cassandra, his sister, and Andromache, the wife of his brother Hector, and Hecuba, his mother. Greek Text
♠ Σ Hek 3 – Scholia to Euripides, Hekabe – Scholia in Euripidem 1, pp. 11-12, ed. E. Schwartz. Berlin 1887.
♠ Lyk 330-34 – Lykophron, Alexandra
And thee, again, an aged captive by the hollow strand, stoned by the public arm of the Doloncians, roused thereto by the railing curses, a robe shall cover with a rain of stones, when thou shalt put on thee sable-tailed form of Maira. Greek Text
♠ Lyk 1174-88 – Lykophron, Alexandra
O mother, O unhappy mother! thy fame, too, shall not be unknown, but the maiden daughter of Perseus, Triform Brimo, shall make thee her attendant, terrifying with thy baying in the night all mortals who worship not with torches the images of the Zerynthian queen of Strymon, appeasing the goddess of Pherae with sacrifice. And the island spur of Pachynus shall hold thine awful cenotaph, piled by the hands of thy master, prompted by dreams when thou hast gotten the rites of death in front of the streams of Helorus. He shall pour on the shore offerings for thee, unhappy one, fearing the anger of the three-necked goddess, for that he shall hurl the first stone at thy stoning and begin the dark sacrifice to Hades. Greek Text
♠ Σ Lyk 1176 – Scholia to Lykophron, Alexandra – Lykophronis Alexandra 2, pp. 340-41, ed E. Scheer. Berlin 1908.
♠ Dik 5.16 – Diktys Cretensis, De Bello Troiano
After the departure of Ulysses, Hecuba, preferring death to enslavement, called down many curses and evil omens upon us, and we, being terribly provoked, stoned her to death. Her tomb which was raised at Abydos, was called Cynossema (The Tomb of the Bitch) because of her mad and shameless barking. Latin Text
♠ QS 14.347-51 – Quintus Smyrnaeus, The Fall of Troy
Then was a marvellous portent seen of men; for all-unhappy Priam’s queen was changed from woman’s form into a pitiful hound; and all men gathered round in wondering awe. Then all her body a God transformed to stone — a mighty marvel for men yet unborn! Greek Text
♠ Met 13.565-71 – Ovid, Metamorphoses
The Thracians, angered by such violence done
upon their king, immediately attacked
the Trojan matron with their stones and darts
but she with hoarse growling and snapping jaws
sprang at the stones, and, when she tried to speak,
she barked like a fierce dog. The place still bears
a name suggested by her hideous change.
And she, long mindful! of her old time woe,
ran howling dismally in Thracian fields. Latin Text
♠ Lyk 316-18 – Lykophron, Alexandra
One, root and branch, the dust that gave her birth shall, yawning, swallow in a secret cleft, when she sees the approaching feet of lamentable doom. Greek Text
♠ Lyk 496-98 – Lykophron, Alexandra
even he into whose secret bed shall come self-invited that heifer5 of Ida who shall go down to Hades alive, worn out with lamentation, the mother of Munitus. Greek Text
♠ ApE 5.23 – Apollodoros, Epitome
As for Laodice, the fairest of the daughters of Priam, she was swallowed up by a chasm in the earth in the sight of all. Greek Text
♠ QS 13.544-51 – Quintus Smyrnaeus, The Fall of Troy
[596] Then, too, affliction-burdened Priam’s child, Laodice, say they, stretched her hands to heaven, praying the mighty Gods that earth might gape to swallow her, ere she defiled her hand with thralls’ work; and a God gave ear, and rent deep earth beneath her: so by Heaven’s decree did earth’s abysmal chasm receive the maid in Troy’s last hour. Greek Text
♠ Il 3.121-24 – Homer, Iliad
But Iris went as a messenger to white-armed Helen, in the likeness of her husband’s sister, the wife of Antenor’s son, even her that lord Helicaon, Antenor’s son, had to wife, Laodice, the comeliest of the daughters of Priam. Greek Text
♠ Lesches, Ilias Mikra (Little Iliad) PEG
See Pausanias, Description of Greece 10.26.8 in Early Greek Myth p. 595
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Edited by Elena Bianchelli, Retired Senior Lecturer of Classical Languages and Culture, Univ. of Georgia, February 2023
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