Chapter 5: The Line of Deukalion
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♦ Athens, National Museum Akr 1.590: fragments of Attic black-figure dinos with funeral games of Pelias
Fragment a (top) with Iphitos, Melanion, Amphiaraos and Kapaneus preparing for javelin throw
B. Graef and E. Langlotz, Die antiken Vasen von der Akropolis zu Athen I Tafeln (1925), pl. 27
Fragment c (left edge): male and female wrestling (Peleus and Atalanta?)
C. Roebuck, “Pottery from the North Slope of the Acropolis, 1937-1938,” Hesperia 9 (1940), 146 fig. 1
Beazley Archive Pottery Database
♦ Munich, Antikensammlungen 596: Chalkidian hydria with Peleus, Atalanta and boar’s head and hide; Mopsos and Klytios on right
A. Furtwaengler and K. Reichhold, Griechische Vasenmalerei: Auswahl hervorragender Vasenbilder (Serie I, 1904), pl. 31
Perseus Art & Archaeology Artifact Browser
Munich, Antikensammlungen 2241: Attic black-figure cup with Peleus and Atalanta wrestling
Beazley Archive Pottery Database
Berlin, Antikensammlung F1837: Attic black-figure neck-amphora by Diosphos Painter with Peleus and Atalanta wrestling between tripods
Beazley Archive Pottery Database
♠ ApB 3.9.2 – Apollodoros, Bibliotheke (Library)
She went moreover with the chiefs to hunt the Calydonian boar, and at the games held in honor of Pelias she wrestled with Peleus and won. Greek Text
♠ Hyginus, Fabulae 273
THOSE WHO FIRST CONDUCTED GAMES UP TO THE FIFTEENTH BY AENEAS: . . . Fifth, those which Danaus, son of Belus, conducted at Argos for the wedding of his daughters, with singing contests. The hymenaeus, ‘wedding-hymn’, was so called from these. Sixth, those which Lynceus, son of Egyptus, conducted once more at Argos for Argive Juno. They are called aspis en arge’. In these Games, whoever wins receives a shield instead of a crown, because, when Abas, son of Lynceus and Hypermnestra, announced to his parents that Danaus had perished, Lynceus took down from the temple of Argive Juno the shield which Danaus had carried in his youth and had dedicated to Juno, and gave it to Abas his son as a reward. Continue Reading Latin Text
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#Amphiaraos, #Atalanta, #boarskin, #Iphitos, #Kapaneus, #Klytios, #Melanion, #Mopsos, #Peleus
Artistic sources edited by R. Ross Holloway, Elisha Benjamin Andrews Professor Emeritus, Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World, Brown Univ., and Frances Van Keuren, Prof. Emerita, Lamar Dodd School of Art, Univ. of Georgia, January 2020.
Literary sources edited by Elena Bianchelli, Retired Senior Lecturer of Classical Languages and Culture, Univ. of Georgia, February 2022
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