Antiope, Amphion, and Zethos (page 487)

Chapter 14: Thebes

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Paus 9.5.8 – Pausanias, Description of Greece

The writer of the poem on Europa says that Amphion was the first harpist, and that Hermes was his teacher. He also says that Amphion‘s songs drew even stones and beasts after him. Greek Text

Same as

Eumelos fr 13 PEG – Poetae Epici Graeci 1, p. 113, ed. A. Bernabé. Leipzig 1987.

10 GLP – Fragments of more recent Greek literary papyri cited according to D.L. Page, Select Papyri III, pp. 60-71. London 1941.

Greek Text and Translation

Pal 41 – Palaiphatos, Peri Apiston (On Unbelievable Things) – Mythographi Graeci 2, p. 62, ed. N. Festa. Leipzig 1902.

Hesiod and others say that they put up the walls of Thebes with a lyre. And some believe that they played the lyre while the stones jumped into place of their own accord. (Translation by T.N. Gantz) Greek Text

 Pherekydes 3F41 FGrH – Die Fragmente der griechschen Historiker 1, p. 73, ed. F. Jacoby.  2nd ed. Leiden 1957.

He says that the lyre was given to Amphion by the Muses. (Translation by E. Bianchelli)  Greek Text

DS 19.53.5 –  Diodorus Siculus, Library of History

Be that as it may, these people then settled in the city but later the Encheleans defeated them in war and drove them out, at which time Cadmus and his followers also were driven to Illyria. Later Amphion and Zethus became masters of the site and then built the lower city for the first time, as the poet says:  “First by them was established Thebes of the seven gates.” Greek Text

Paus 9.5.6 Pausanias, Description of Greece

While Lycus was regent for the second time, Amphion and Zethus gathered a force and came back to Thebes. Laius was secretly removed by such as were anxious that the race of Cadmus should not be forgotten by posterity, and Lycus was overcome in the fighting by the sons of Antiope. When they succeeded to the throne they added the lower city to the Cadmeia, giving it, because of their kinship to Thebe, the name of Thebes. Greek Text

ApB 5.5 – Apollodorus, Bibliotheke (Library)

But Labdacus having left a year-old son, Laius, the government was usurped by Lycus, brother of Nycteus, so long as Laius was a child. Greek Text

Fab 9 –  Hyginus, Fabulae

Amphion and Zetus, sons of Jove and Antiopa, daughter of Nycteus, by the command of Apollo surrounded Thebes with a wall up to [corrupt], and driving Laius, son of King Labdacus, into exile, themselves held he royal power there. Latin Text

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Edited by Elena Bianchelli, Senior Lecturer of Classical Languages and Culture, Univ. of Georgia, March 2020

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