Page 157 (with art)

Chapter 4: Prometheus and the First Men

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Σ W&D 89 – Scholia to Hesiod, Works and Days – Scholia Vetera in Hesiodi Opera et Dies, ed. A. Pertusi. Milan 1955.

Eumelos, Korinthiaka fr 1 PEG – Poetae Epici Graeci 1, p. 108, ed. A. Bernabé. Leipzig 1987.

Σ Ecl 6.42 – Servius, Scholia to Vergil, Eclogues – Servii Grammatici qui feruntur in Vergilii Bucolica et Georgica Commentarii, p. 72, ed. G. Thilo. Leipzig 1881.     

It is said that Prometheus, son of Iapetus and Clymene, after creating men, ascended to heaven with the help of Minerva and after bringing a torch up to the circle of the Sun he stole the fire, which he made known to men. For this reason the enraged gods sent two evils to earth, women and diseases, as both Sappho and Hesiod say. (Transl. E. Bianchelli)  Latin Text

Same as

Sappho 207 LP – Poetarum Lesbiorum Fragmenta, p. 108 ed. E. Lobel and D.L. Page. Oxford 1955.

Athens, National Museum 15354: ivory relief from Sparta with Prometheus and eagle

R.M. Dawkins, The Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia at Sparta (1929), pl. 100, 1

Olympia B4992: bronze shield-band relief with Prometheus and eagle

P. C. Bol, Olympische Forschungen 17 (1989), pl. 57

Athens, National Archaeoloigcal Museum, 16384: Attic black-figure skyphos-krater by Nettos Painter, with Herakles, Prometheus and eagle

Image from Dan Hinman-Smith


Beazley Archive Pottery Database

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#eagle, #Herakles, #Prometheus

Artistic sources edited by Frances Van Keuren, Prof. Emerita, Lamar Dodd School of Art, Univ. of Georgia, December 2019.

Literary sources edited by Elena Bianchelli, Senior Lecturer of Classical Languages and Culture, Univ. of Georgia, January 2022

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