The Descendants of Inachos (page 206)

Chapter 6: Other Early Families

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Py 9.120-26 – Pindar, Pythian

There Alexidamus, when he had sped to the front of the swift race, took the noble girl’s hand in his hand and led her through the crowd of Nomad horsemen. They cast on that man many leaves and garlands, [125] and before he had received many wings for his victories.  Greek Text

Nem 10.1-6 – Pindar, Nemean

Graces, sing of the city of Danaus and his fifty daughters on their splendid thrones, Hera’s Argos, a home suitable for a god; it blazes with countless excellences because of its bold deeds. Long indeed is the story of Perseus and the Gorgon Medusa, [5] and many are the cities founded in Egypt by the devising of Epaphus. Nor did Hypermnestra go astray, when she restrained in its scabbard her sword, which was alone in its verdict.  Greek Text

PD 858-59 – Aischylos, Prometheus Desmotes (Prometheus Bound)

while these, their hearts ablaze with passion, like falcons eagerly pursuing doves, shall come in pursuit of wedlock unlawful to pursue; but God shall grudge them enjoyment of their brides.  Greek Text

ApB 2.1.5 – Apollodoros, Bibliotheke (Library)

Danaus afterwards united Hypermnestra to Lynceus; and bestowed his other daughters on the victors in an athletic contest.  Greek Text

Paus 3.12.2 – Pausanias, Geography of Greece

For Danaus contrived the following plan to solve the difficulty about his daughters. Nobody would take a wife from among them because of their pollution so Danaus sent round a notice that he would give away his daughters without bride-gifts, and that each suitor could choose the one whose beauty pleased him most. A few men came, among whom he held a foot-race the first comer was allowed to choose before all the others, after him the second, and so on to the last. The daughters that were left had to wait until other suitors arrived and competed in another foot-race.  Greek Text

Fab 170 – Hyginus, Fabulae

But the Danaids, after their father’s death, married Argive men, and their sons are named from these.  Latin Text

Hesiod, Ehoiai (Catalogue of Women) fr 129.2 MW – Fragmenta Hesiodea, p. 62, ed. R. Merkelbach and M. L. West. Oxford 1967.

. . . [paid ba]ck a great harm.

Σ Hek 886 – Scholia to Euripides, Hekabe (Hecuba) – Scholia in Euripidem 1, pp. 69-70, ed. E. Schwartz. Berlin 1887.

Greek Text

Paus 2.25.4 – Pausanias, Geography of Greece

There is another road, that leads to Lyrcea from the gate at the Ridge. The story is that to this place came Lynceus, being the only one of the fifty brothers to escape death, and that on his escape he raised a beacon here. Now to raise the beacon was the signal he had agreed with Hypermnestra to give if he should escape Danaus and reach a place of safety. She also, they say, lighted a beacon on Larisa as a sign that she too was now out of danger. For this reason the Argives hold every year a beacon festival.  Greek Text

Archilochos 305 W – Iambi et Elegi Graeci 1, p. 101, ed. M.L. West. Oxford 1971.

Σ Hek 886 – Scholia to Euripides, Hekabe (Hecuba) – Scholia in Euripidem 1, pp. 69-70, ed. E. Schwartz. Berlin 1887.

See above

ΣA Il 1.42 – Scholia to Homer, Iliad – Scholia Graeca in Homeri Iliadem I, pp. 12-13, ed. W. Dindorf and E. Maass. Oxford 1875.

Greek Text

Σ PD 853a – Scholia to Aischylos, Prometheus Desmotes (Prometheus Bound) – The Older Scholia on the Prometheus Bound, pp. 205-6, ed. C. J. Herington. Leiden 1972.

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Edited by Elena Bianchelli, Retired Senior Lecturer of Classical Languages and Culture, Univ. of Georgia, January 2024.

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