Chapter 12: Iason and the Argo
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♠ Paus 5.17.10 – Pausanias, Description of Greece
Those who have boldly ventured to box are Admetus and Mopsus, the son of Ampyx. Between them stands a man playing the flute, as in our day they are accustomed to play the flute when the competitors in the pentathlum are jumping. The wrestling-bout between Jason and Peleus is an even one. Greek Text
♠ DS 4.53 – Diodoros Siculus, Library of History
Jason now, we are informed, promising all his kindred in general that he would conduct himself honourably and magnanimously, summoned the people to an assembly. And after defending himself for what he had done and explaining that he had only taken vengeance on men who had wronged him first, inflicting a less severe punishment on them than the evils he himself had suffered, he bestowed upon Acastus, the son of Pelias, the ancestral kingdom, and as for the daughters of the king, he said that he considered it right that he himself should assume the responsibility for them. [2] And ultimately he fulfilled his promise, they say, by joining them all in marriage after a time to the most renowned men. Alcestis, for instance, the eldest he gave in marriage to Admetus of Thessaly, the son of Pheres, Amphinomê to Andraemon, the brother of Leonteus, Euadnê to Canes, who was the son of Cephalus and king at that time of the Phocians. These marriages he arranged at a later period; but at the time in question, sailing together with the chieftains to the Isthmus of Peloponnesus, he performed a sacrifice to Poseidon and also dedicated to the god the ship Argo. [3] And since he received a great welcome at the court of Creon, the king of the Corinthians, he became a citizen of that city and spent the rest of his days in Corinth. Greek Text
♠ Fab 24 – Hyginus, Fabulae
But Jason, at a given signal of Medea, made himself the master of the palace, and handed over the rule to Acastus, son of Pelias, brother of the Peliades, because he had gone with him to Colchis. He himself with Medea departed for Corinth. Latin Text
♠ ApB 1.9.27 – Apollodoros, Bibliotheke (Library)
But Acastus buried his father with the help of the inhabitants of Iolcus, and he expelled Jason and Medea from Iolcus. Greek Text
♠ Paus 2.3.9 – Pausanias, Description of Greece
The Greeks have an epic poem called Naupactia. In this Jason is represented as having removed his home after the death of Pelias from Iolcus to Corcyra, and Mermerus, the elder of his children, to have been killed by a lioness while hunting on the mainland opposite. Of Pheres is recorded nothing. But Cinaethon of Lacedaemon, another writer of pedigrees in verse, said that Jason’s children by Medea were a son Medeus and a daughter Eriopis; he too, however, gives no further information about these children. Greek Text
same as
♠ Naupaktia fr 9 PEG – Poetae Epici Graeci 1, p. 126, ed. A. Bernabé. Leipzig 1987.
Paus. 2.3.9 There is a poem among the Greeks called Naupaktia. It says that, after the death of Pelias, Jason moved from Iolkos to Korkyra, and that Mermeros, the elder of his children, was killed by a lioness as he was hunting on the mainland on the other side. Reguarding Pheres, there is nothing recorded. (Transl. E. Bianchelli)
♠ Paus 2.3.10-11 – Pausanias, Description of Greece
Eumelus said that Helius (Sun) gave the Asopian land to Aloeus and Epliyraea to Aeetes. When Aeetes was departing for Colchis he entrusted his land to Bunus, the son of Hermes and Alcidamea, and when Bunus died Epopeus the son of Aloeus extended his kingdom to include the Ephyraeans. Afterwards, when Corinthus, the son of Marathon, died childless, the Corinthians sent for Medea from Iolcus and bestowed upon her the kingdom. [11] Through her Jason was king in Corinth, and Medea, as her children were born, carried each to the sanctuary of Hera and concealed them, doing so in the belief that so they would be immortal. At last she learned that her hopes were vain, and at the same time she was detected by Jason. When she begged for pardon he refused it, and sailed away to Iolcus. For these reasons Medea too departed, and handed over the kingdom to Sisyphus. Greek Text
Same as
♠ Eumelos, Korinthiaka fr 5 PEG – Poetae Epici Graeci 1, p. 110, ed. A. Bernabé. Leipzig 1987.
♠ Simonides 545 PMG – Poetae Melici Graeci, p. 286 ed. D. L. Page. Oxford 1962.
♠ Σ Ol 13.74g – Scholia to Pindar, Olympian Odes – Scholia vetera in Pindari carmina, Scholia in Olympionicas 1, pp. 373-74, ed. A.B Drachman. Leipzig 1903.
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Edited by Elena Bianchelli, Retired Senior Lecturer of Classical Languages and Culture, Univ. of Georgia, March 2022.
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