Chapter 1: The Early Gods
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Philodemos, Kypria fr 2 PEG – Poetae Epici Graeci 1, p. 45, ed. A. Bernabé. Leipzig 1987. = Hesiod fr 210 MW – Fragmenta Hesiodea, p. 107, ed. Merkelbach and M.L. West. Oxford 1967.
Aischylos, Eumenides 2-3
the first prophet, Earth; and after her to Themis, for she was the second to take this oracular seat of her mother. Greek Text
Aischylos, Hiketides (Suppliants) 360
Justice, daughter of Zeus the Apportioner. Greek Text
Hesiod, Theogony 217-19 [See Early Greek Myth, pp. 7-8]
Also she [Nyx] bore the Destinies and ruthless avenging Fates, Clotho and Lachesis and Atropos, who give men at their birth both evil and good to have. Greek Text
Homer, Iliad 5.749-51 = 8.393-95
And Hera swiftly touched the horses with the lash, and self-bidden groaned upon their hinges the gates of heaven which the Hours had in their keeping, to whom are entrusted great heaven and Olympus, whether to throw open the thick cloud or shut it to. Greek Text Greek Text
Homer, Iliad 8.433-35
Then the Hours unyoked for them their fair-maned horses, and tethered them at their ambrosial mangers, and leaned the chariot against the bright entrance wall. Greek Text
Hesiod, Works and Days 74-75
and the divine Graces and queenly Persuasion put necklaces of gold upon her, [Pandora] and the rich-haired Hours crowned her head with spring flowers. Greek Text
Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite 6.5-13
and there the gold-filleted Hours welcomed her joyously. They clothed her with heavenly garments: on her head they put a fine, well-wrought crown of gold, and in her pierced ears they hung ornaments of orichalc and precious gold, and adorned her with golden necklaces over her soft neck and snow-white breasts, jewels which the gold-filleted Hours wear themselves whenever they go to their father’s house to join the lovely dances of the gods. Greek Text
Pindar, Olympian 13.6-8
There dwell Eunomia and her sisters, the secure foundation of cities: Dike, and Eirene, who was raised together with her, the guardians of wealth for men, the golden daughters of wise Themis. Greek Text
Bakchylides 15.53-54
all men have a chance to reach unswerving Justice, the attendant of holy Eunomia and prudent Themis. Greek Text
Ades 1018b PMG – Poetae Melici Graeci, p. 536, ed. D. L. Page. Oxford 1962.
Hesiod, Works and Days 257-62
And there is virgin Justice, the daughter of Zeus, who is honored and reverenced among the gods who dwell on Olympus, and whenever anyone hurts her with lying slander, she sits beside her father, Zeus the son of Cronos, and tells him of men’s wicked heart, until the people pay for the mad folly of their princes who, evilly minded, pervert judgement and give sentence crookedly. Greek Text
Aischylos fr 281a R – Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta 3, pp. 380-83, ed. S. L. Radt. Göttingen 1985.
Pindar, Pythian 9.54-65
where you will make her the ruler of a city, when you have gathered the island-people to the hill encircled by plains. And now queen Libya of the broad meadows will gladly welcome your glorious bride in her golden halls. There she will right away give her a portion of land to flourish with her as her lawful possession, not without tribute of all kinds of fruit, nor unfamiliar with wild animals. There she will bear a child, whom famous Hermes will take from beneath his own dear mother and carry to the Seasons on their lovely thrones and to Gaia. They will admire the baby on their knees and drop nectar and ambrosia on his lips, and they will make him immortal, to be called Zeus and holy Apollo, a delight to men he loves, an ever-present guardian of flocks, Agreus and Nomius, and others will call him Aristaeus. Greek Text
Pindar, Paian 1.6-9 – Pindarus 2, p. 16, ed. B. Snell and H. Maehler. Leipzig 1975.
Pindar fr 75.14-15 SM – Pindarus 2, pp. 81-82, ed. B. Snell and H. Maehler. Leipzig 1975.
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Edited by Elena Bianchelli, Senior Lecturer of Classical Languages and Culture, Univ. of Georgia, July 2020
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