The Descendants of Inachos (page 201 with art)

Chapter 6: Other Early Families

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PD 707-35 – Aischylos, Prometheus Desmotes (Prometheus Bound)

First, from this spot, turn yourself toward the rising sun and make your way over untilled plains; and you shall reach the Scythian nomads, who dwell [710] in thatched houses, perched aloft on strong-wheeled wagons and are equipped with far-darting bows. Do not approach them, but keeping your feet near the rugged shore, where the sea breaks with a roar, pass on beyond their land. On the left hand dwell the workers in iron, [715] the Chalybes, and you must beware of them, since they are savage and are not to be approached by strangers. Then you shall reach the river Hybristes,

which does not belie its name. Do not cross this, for it is hard to cross, until you come to Caucasus itself, [720] loftiest of mountains, where from its very brows the river pours out its might in fury. You must pass over its crests, which neighbor the stars, and enter upon a southward course, where you shall reach the host of the Amazons, who loathe all men. They shall in time to come [725] inhabit Themiscyra on the Thermodon, where, fronting the sea, is Salmydessus’ rugged jaw, evil host of mariners, step-mother of ships. The Amazons will gladly guide you on your way. Next, just at the narrow portals of the harbor, you shall reach [730] the Cimmerian isthmus. This you must leave with stout heart and pass through the channel of Maeotis; and ever after among mankind there shall be great mention of your passing, and it shall be called after you the Bosporus.Then, leaving the soil of Europe, [735] you shall come to the Asian continent.  Greek Text

PD 790-815 – Aischylos, Prometheus Desmotes (Prometheus Bound)

When you have crossed the stream that bounds the two continents, toward the flaming east, where the sun walks,……

crossing the surging sea until you reach the Gorgonean plains of Cisthene, where the daughters of Phorcys dwell, ancient maids, [795] three in number, shaped like swans, possessing one eye amongst them and a single tooth; neither does the sun with his beams look down upon them, nor ever the nightly moon. And near them are their three winged sisters, the snake-haired Gorgons, loathed of mankind, [800] whom no one of mortal kind shall look upon and still draw breath. Such is the peril that I bid you to guard against. But now listen to another and a fearsome spectacle. Beware of the sharp-beaked hounds of Zeus that do not bark, the gryphons, [805] and the one-eyed Arimaspian folk, mounted on horses, who dwell about the flood of Pluto’s stream that flows with gold. Do not approach them. Then you shall come to a far-off country of a dark race that dwells by the waters of the sun, where the river Aethiop is. [810] Follow along its banks until you reach the cataract, where, from the Bybline mountains, Nile sends forth his hallowed and sweet stream. He will conduct you on your way to the three-angled land of Nilotis, where, at last, it is ordained for you, [815] O Io, and for your children to found your far-off colony.  Greek Text

PD 846-69Aischylos, Prometheus Desmotes (Prometheus Bound)

There is a city, Canobus, on the extremity of the land at the very mouth and silt-bar of the Nile. There at last Zeus restores you to your senses by the mere stroke and touch of his unterrifying hand. [850] And you shall bring forth dark Epaphus,thus named from the manner of Zeus’ engendering; and he shall gather the fruit of all the land watered by the broad-flowing Nile. Fifth in descent from him, fifty maidens shall return to Argos, not of their own [855] free choice, but fleeing marriage with their cousin kin; while these, their hearts ablaze with passion, like falcons eagerly pursuing doves, shall come in pursuit of wedlock unlawful to pursue; but God shall grudge them enjoyment of their brides. [860] Pelasgian soil shall offer the maids a home, when, in the watches of the night, their husbands have been slain by a deed of daring wrought by the women’s murderous blows. For each bride shall take the life of her lord, dyeing a two-edged sword in his blood—in such ways may Love come upon my enemies! [865] However, love’s desire shall charm one of the maidens not to slay her mate; rather, her resolve will lose its edge; for she will make her choice between two evil names to be called coward rather than murderess. She it is who shall give birth in Argos to a royal line.  Greek Text

A: Hik 305 – Aischylos, Hiketides (Suppliant Women)

Argus, a son of Earth, whom Hermes slew.  Greek Text

PD 567 – Aischylos, Prometheus Desmotes (Prometheus Bound)

A gad-fly, phantom of earth-born Argus is stinging me again!  Greek Text

Akousilaos FGrH 2F27 – Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker 1, p. 55, ed. F. Jacoby. 2d ed. Leiden 1957.

Greek Text

A: Hik 304 – Aischylos, Hiketides (Suppliant Women)

What manner of all-seeing herdsman with a single duty do you mean?  Greek Text

PD 678-79 – Aischylos, Prometheus Desmotes (Prometheus Bound)

But Argus, the earth-born herdsman, untempered in his rage, pursued me, peering with his many eyes upon my steps.  Greek Text

PD 574-75 – Aischylos, Prometheus Desmotes (Prometheus Bound)

The waxen pipe drones forth in accompaniment a clear-sounding slumberous strain.  Greek Text

London British Museum B164.  See pg. 199.

Hamburg Museum für kunst und gewerbe.  Attic amphora by the Eucharides Painter.  Hermes and Argos.

Pherekydes FGrH 3F66 – Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker 1, p. 79, ed. F. Jacoby. 2d ed. Leiden 1957.

Greek Text

Boston Museum of Fine Arts.  Attic hydria by the Agrigento Painter. Hermes, Io, Argos.

MFA Collections on line

Pho 1113-18 – Euripides, Phoinissai (Phoinician Women)

Next lord Hippomedon came marching to the Ogygian gates with this device in the middle of his shield: [1115] Argus the all-seeing dappled with eyes on the watch, some open with the rising stars, others hiding when they set, as could be seen after he was slain.  Greek Text

Met 1.625 – Ovid, Metamorphoses

Argus, Aristorides, whose head
was circled with a hundred glowing eyes  Latin Text

ApB 2.1.2 – Apollodoros, Bibliotheke (Library)

and Agenor had a son Argus, the one who is called the All-seeing. He had eyes in the whole of his body, and being exceedingly strong he killed the bull that ravaged Arcadia and clad himself in its hide; and when a satyr wronged the Arcadians and robbed them of their cattle, Argus withstood and killed him. It is said, too, that Echidna, daughter of Tartarus and Earth, who used to carry off passers-by, was caught asleep and slain by Argus. He also avenged the murder of Apis by putting the guilty to death.  Greek Text

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Literary sources edited by Elena Bianchelli, Retired Senior Lecturer of Classical Languages and Culture, Univ. of Georgia, January 2024.

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