Chapter 10: Perseus and Bellerophontes, Part 1
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Berlin, Charlottenburg (Antikenmuseum) VI 3238: Campanian red-figure hydria with Andromeda and Perseus
Fig. 78 from Louis Séchan, Études sur la tragédie grecque dans ses rapports avec la céramique (1926)
♠ DMar 14 – Loukianos, Dialogi Marini
The hideous monster now drew near, and would have swallowed her [Andromeda]: but the youth [Perseus], hovering above, smote him with the drawn scimetar in his right hand, and with his left uncovered the petrifying Gorgon’s head: in one moment the monster was lifeless; all of him that had met that gaze was turned to stone. Greek Text
Naples, Museo Nazionale Stg 708: Apulian red-figure pelike with Andromeda and Perseus
Fig. 77 from Louis Séchan, Études sur la tragédie grecque dans ses rapports avec la céramique (1926)
Würzburg University, Martin von Wagner Museum H4606 (Langlotz no. 855): Apulian red-figure pelike fragment with Andromeda and Perseus
E. Langlotz, Griechische Vasen in Würzburg (1932), pl. 242
Beazley Archive Pottery Database
Halle, University no #: fragments of Apulian red-figure amphora with Andromeda
♠ Katast 16 Kassiepeia – Pseudo-Eratosthenes, Katasterismoi – Mythographi Graeci 3.1, p. 20, ed. A. Olivieri. Leipzig 1897.
Matera, Museo Ridola 12538: Apulian red-figure calyx krater with Andromeda and Perseus
Digital LIMC (no photo)
K.M. Phillips, “Perseus and Andromeda,” American Journal of Archaeology 72.1 (1968) Pl. 10, Fig. 27 (available through JSTOR)
Bari, Museo Archeologico 1016: Apulian oinochoe with Kassiepeia (or Andromeda) and Perseus
C. Mataloni, “10: Perseo e Andromeda“, from Iconos: Le Metamorfosi d’Ovidio (Sapienza University of Rome)
K.M. Phillips, “Perseus and Andromeda,” American Journal of Archaeology 72.1 (1968) Pl. 13, Figs. 38-40 (available through JSTOR)
Digital LIMC (no photo)
London, British Library Cod. Royal 13 A XI, fol. 106 v: French medieval manuscript page with Casiepia enthroned and Andromeda bound
British Library image and information on manuscript
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Literary sources edited by Silvio Curtis, Teaching assistant, Department of Classics, Univ. of Georgia, fall 2015. Updated by Elena Bianchelli, Retired Senior Lecturer of Classical Languages and Culture, Univ. of Georgia, May 2024.
Edited by Frances Van Keuren, Prof. Emerita, Lamar Dodd School of Art, Univ. of Georgia, December 2017
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