The Children of Zeus: Hephaistos (page 76, with art)

Chapter 2: The Olympians

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Olympia, Archaeological Museum B8402b: bronze shield-band with enthroned Hera, crippled Hephaistos and Dionysos?

Digital LIMC, photo Archaeological Museum of Olympia

Foggia, Museo Civico 132723: Apulian red-figure amphora with Hephaistos with axe and Hera on throne  

YOU reporter

St. Petersburg, State Hermitage 988, Lucanian red-figure volute krater, Hephaistos releasing Hera from throne

V. Macchioro, “I ceramisti di Armento in Lucania, Jahrbuch des Kaiserlich Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts 27 (1912), 293, fig. 20a

London, British Museum F269: Apulian red-figure calyx krater by the Varese Painter, combat of Hephaistos and Ares? in presence of Hera

British Museum

Homer, Iliad 18.382-83

And Charis of the gleaming veil came forward and marked her—fair Charis, whom the famed god of the two strong arms had wedded. Greek Text

Hesiod, Theogony 945-46

And Hephaestus, the famous Lame One, made Aglaea, youngest of the Graces, his buxom wife. Greek Text

Homer, Iliad 1.606-8

they went each to his own house to take their rest, where for each one a palace had been built with cunning skill by the famed Hephaestus, the limping god. Greek Text

Homer, Iliad 15.309-10

before him went Phoebus Apollo, his shoulders wrapped in cloud, bearing the fell aegis, girt with shaggy fringe, awful, gleaming bright, that the smith Hephaestus gave to Zeus to bear for the putting to rout of warriors. Greek Text

Homer, Iliad 18.417-21

but there moved swiftly to support their lord handmaidens wrought of gold in the semblance of living maids. In them is understanding in their hearts, and in them speech and strength, and they know cunning handiwork by gift of the immortal gods. These busily moved to support their lord. Greek Text

Homer, Iliad 2.101-4

Then among them lord Agamemnon uprose, bearing in his hands the sceptre which Hephaestus had wrought with toil. Hephaestus gave it to king Zeus, son of Cronos, and Zeus gave it to the messenger Argeïphontes; and Hermes, the lord, gave it to Pelops, driver of horses. Greek Text

Homer, Iliad 8.194-95

and may take moreover from the shoulders of horse-taming Diomedes his breastplate richly-dight, which Hephaestus wrought with toil. Greek Text

Homer, Odyssey 24.73-75

Achilles, thy mother had given a two-handled, golden urn, and said that it was the gift of Dionysus, and the handiwork of famed Hephaestus. Greek Text

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#Ares, #Dionysos, #Hephaistos, #Hera

Artistic sources edited by R. Ross Holloway, Elisha Benjamin Andrews Professor Emeritus, Brown University, October 2017; and by Frances Van Keuren, Prof. Emerita, Lamar Dodd School of Art, Univ. of Georgia, July 2018

Literary sources edited by Elena Bianchelli, Retired Senior Lecturer of Classical Languages and Culture, Univ. of Georgia, January 2021

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