The Children of Deukalion and Pyrrha (page 169, with art)

Chapter 5: The Line of Deukalion

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Hesiod, Ehoiai (Catalogue of Women) fr 10a.102-4 MW – Hesiodi Theogonia, Opera et Dies, Scutum, p. 230, ed. Solmsen. 3d ed. Oxford 1990.

ApB 1.7.4 – Apollodoros, Bibliotheke (Library)

Canace had by Poseidon Hopleus and Nireus and Epopeus and Aloeus and Triops.  Greek Text

Hesiod, Ehoiai(Catalogue of Women) fr 19 MW – Fragmenta Hesiodea, p. 12, ed. R. Merkelbach and M. L. West. Oxford 1967.

ApB 1.7.4 – Apollodoros, Bibliotheke (Library)

Aloeus wedded Iphimedia, daughter of Triops.  Greek Text

Kallimachos, Hymn 6.31-32, 96-100 to Demeter

Greek Text

Homer, Odyssey 10.1-12

Then to the Aeolian isle we came, where dwelt Aeolus, son of Hippotas, dear to the immortal gods, in a floating island, and all around it is a wall of unbreakable bronze, and the cliff runs up sheer. Twelve children of his, too, there are in the halls, six daughters and six sturdy sons, and he gave his daughters to his sons to wife. These, then, feast continually by their dear father and good mother, and before them lies boundless good cheer. And the house, filled with the savour of feasting, resounds all about even in the outer court by day, and by night again they sleep beside their chaste wives on blankets and on corded bedsteads.  Greek text

Plutarch, Moralia 312c-d – vol. 4, pp. 296-97, ed. F. C. Babbitt, Cambridge, Mass., 1957.

Greek Text and English Translation

Euripides, Aiolos fr 14 N² – Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta, ed. A. Nauck. 2nd ed. Leipzig 1889, p. 366

Greek Text

Ovid, Heroides 11

Canace to Macareus

IF any of these lines should appear stained and obscured by blots, know that they will be occasioned by the death of the writer. My right hand holds the pen, my left a drawn sword; and the paper lies unfolded in my lap. This is the true picture of Canace writing to her brother: it is only in this manner, it seems, that I can satisfy a hard-hearted father. I could wish him to be a spectator of my untimely death, that the blow might be given in the presence of a stern father who commanded it. Fierce, and far more cruel than his eastern ministers of storms, he would view without a tear the mortal wound. For it is infectious to live with savage winds; and therefore he contracts the temper of his people. He commands the South, the Zephyr, and the northern blasts of Thrace; and, surly East, he checks thy rigid wing. He controls indeed the winds; but, alas! he has no power over his own unmeasurable wrath, and governs a kingdom less intractable than his own vices. What avails it that I am allied to the Gods above, that Jupiter is in the number of my kindred? does it snatch from my trembling hind the destructive steel, that fatal gift and weapon, alas, unfit for me! O Macareus, I wish that the hour which joined us had come later than that of my death! Why, brother, did you ever love me otherwise than as a brother? And why did I regard you more than became a sister?  Continue Reading  Latin Text

Bari, Museo Archeologico Provinciale 1535: Lucanian red-figure hydria with Makareus, Kanake and Aiolos 

Archäologische Zeitung (1883), pl. 7

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#Aiolos, #Kanake, #Makareus

Artistic sources edited by R. Ross Holloway, Elisha Benjamin Andrews Professor Emeritus, Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World, Brown Univ., and Frances Van Keuren, Prof. Emerita, Lamar Dodd School of Art, Univ. of Georgia, December 2019.

Literary sources edited by Elena Bianchelli, Senior Lecturer of Classical Languages and Culture, Univ. of Georgia, February 2022

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