Olympos (page 122)

Chapter 3: Olympos, the Underworld, and Minor Divinities

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Homer, Iliad 8.2-3

and Zeus that hurleth the thunderbolt made a gathering of the gods upon the topmost peak of many-ridged Olympus  Greek Text

Homer, Iliad 5.733-47

But Athene, daughter of Zeus that beareth the aegis, let fall upon her father’s floor her soft robe, richly broidered, that herself had wrought and her hands had fashioned, and put on her the tunic of Zeus, the cloud-gatherer, and arrayed her in armour for tearful war. About her shoulders she flung the tasselled aegis, fraught with terror, all about which Rout is set as a crown, and therein is Strife, therein Valour, and therein Onset, that maketh the blood run cold, and therein is the head of the dread monster, the Gorgon, dread and awful, a portent of Zeus that beareth the aegis. And upon her head she set the helmet with two horns and with bosses four, wrought of gold, and fitted with the men-at-arms of an hundred cities. Then she stepped upon the flaming car and grasped her spear, heavy and huge and strong, wherewith she vanquisheth the ranks of men—of warriors with whom she is wroth, she, the daughter of the mighty sire.  Greek Text

Homer, Iliad 14.166-69

So she went her way to her chamber, that her dear son Hephaestus had fashioned for her, and had fitted strong doors to the door-posts with a secret bolt, that no other god might open. Therein she entered, and closed the bright doors.  Greek Text

Hesiod, Theogony 42-43

and the peaks of snowy Olympus resound, and the homes of the immortals.  Greek Text

Hesiod, Theogony 113

and also how at the first they took many-folded Olympus  Greek Text

Hesiod, Theogony 632-34

the lordly Titans from high Othrys, but the gods, givers of good, whom rich-haired Rhea bore in union with Cronos, from Olympus  Greek Text

Hesiod, Theogony 689-90

From Heaven and from Olympus he came immediately, hurling his lightning.  Greek Text

Hesiod, Theogony 390-91

on that day when the Olympian Lightning god called all the deathless gods to great Olympus  Greek Text

Homeric Hymn to Apollo 3.189-206

and all the Muses together, voice sweetly answering voice, hymn the unending gifts the gods enjoy and the sufferings of men, all that they endure at the hands of the deathless gods, and how they live witless and helpless and cannot find healing for death or defence against old age. Meanwhile the rich-tressed Graces and cheerful Seasons dance with Harmonia and Hebe and Aphrodite, daughter of Zeus, holding each other by the wrist. And among them sings one, not mean nor puny, but tall to look upon and enviable in mien, Artemis who delights in arrows, sister of Apollo. Among them sport Ares and the keen-eyed Slayer of Argus, while Apollo plays his lyre stepping high and featly and a radiance shines around him, the gleaming of his feet and close-woven vest. And they, even gold-tressed Leto and wise Zeus, rejoice in their great hearts as they watch their dear son playing among the undying gods.  Greek Text

Pindar fr 70b SM – Pindarus 2, pp. 73-75, ed. B. Snell and H. Maehler. Leipzig 1975.

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Edited by Elena Bianchelli, Retired Senior Lecturer of Classical Languages and Culture, Univ. of Georgia, February 2021

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