Chapter 5: The Line of Deukalion
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♠ Hesiod, Ehoiai (Catalogue of Women) fr 10a.100 – Hesiodi Theogonia, Opera et Dies, Scutum, p. 230, ed. Solmsen. 3d ed. Oxford 1990.
♠ Hesiod, Ehoiai (Catalogue of Women) fr 10a.96 – Hesiodi Theogonia, Opera et Dies, Scutum, p. 230, ed. Solmsen. 3d ed. Oxford 1990.
♠ Hesiod, Ehoiai (Catalogue of Women) fr 10a.34 – Hesiodi Theogonia, Opera et Dies, Scutum, p. 228, ed. Solmsen. 3d ed. Oxford 1990.
♠ ApB 1.7.3 – Apollodoros, Bibliotheke (Library)
Perimede had Hippodamas and Orestes by Achelous. Greek Text
♠ Hesiod, Ehoiai (Catalogue of Women) fr 10a.45-57 – Hesiodi Theogonia, Opera et Dies, Scutum, pp. 228-29, ed. Solmsen. 3d ed. Oxford 1990.
♠ Homer, Iliad 14.115-18
For to Portheus were born three peerless sons, and they dwelt in Pleuron and steep Calydon, even Agrius and Melas, and the third was the horseman Oeneus. Greek Text
♠ ApB 1.7.10 – Apollodoros, Bibliotheke (Library)
Porthaon and Euryte, daughter of Hippodamas, had sons, Oeneus, Agrius, Alcathous, Melas, Leucopeus, and a daughter Sterope. Greek Text
♠ Pherekydes 3F122 – Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker 1, pp. 92-3, ed. F. Jacoby, 2d ed. Leiden 1957.
♠ Hesiod, Ehoiai (Catalogue of Women) fr 245 – Fragmenta Hesiodea, 120, ed. R. Merkelbach and M. L. West. Oxford 1967.
♠ Hesiod, Ehoiai (Catalogue of Women) fr 10a.58-65 – Hesiodi Theogonia, Opera et Dies, Scutum, p. 229, ed. Solmsen. 3d ed. Oxford 1990.
♠ ApB 1.7.6-7 – Apollodoros, Bibliotheke (Library)
Endymion had by a Naiad nymph or, as some say, by Iphianassa, a son Aetolus, who slew Apis, son of Phoroneus, and fled to the Curetian country. There he killed his hosts, Dorus and Laodocus and Polypoetes, the sons of Phthia and Apollo, and called the country Aetolia after himself. Aetolus and Pronoe, daughter of Phorbus, had sons, Pleuron and Calydon, after whom the cities in Aetolia were named. Pleuron wedded Xanthippe, daughter of Dorus, and begat a son Agenor, and daughters, Sterope and Stratonice and Laophonte. Greek Text
♠ Hesiod, Ehoiai (Catalogue of Women) fr 10a.94-96 – Hesiodi Theogonia, Opera et Dies, Scutum, p. 230, ed. Solmsen. 3d ed. Oxford 1990.
♠ Hesiod, Ehoiai (Catalogue of Women) fr 10d – Hesiodi Theogonia, Opera et Dies, Scutum, p. 231, ed. Solmsen. 3d ed. Oxford 1990.
♠ Ovid, Metamorphoses 11.410-748
King Ceyx, disturbed by his loved brother’s fate
and prodigies which happened since that time,
prepared to venture to the Clarian god,
that he might there consult the oracle,
so sanctified to consolation of distress:
for then the way to Delphi was unsafe
because of Phorbas and his Phlegyans.
Before he went he told his faithful queen,
his dear Halcyone. She felt at once
terror creep through the marrow of her bones,
pallor of boxwood overspread her face,
and her two cheeks were wet with gushing tears.
Three times she tried to speak while tears and sobs
delayed her voice, until at last she said:—
“What fault of mine, my dearest, has so changed
your usual thoughts? Where is that care for me
that always has stood first? Can you leave me
for this long journey with no anxious fear—
Halcyone, forsaken in these halls?
Will this long journey be a pleasant change
because far from you I should be more dear?
Perhaps you think you will go there by land,
and I shall only grieve, and shall not fear
the sea affrights me with its tragic face.
Just lately I observed some broken planks
upon our seashore, and I’ve read and read
the names of seamen on their empty tombs!
“Oh, let no false assurance fill your mind
because your father-in-law is Aeolus. Continue Reading Latin Text
♠ Hyginus, Fabulae 65
ALCYONE: When Ceyx, son of Hesper (also called Lucifer) and Philonis, had perished in a shipwreck, Alcyone his wife, daughter of Aeolus and Aegiale, on account of her love for him, threw herself into the sea. By the pity of the gods both were changed into birds which are called halcyons. These birds have their nests, eggs, and young on the ea for seven days in the winter. The sea is calm for those days, and sailors call them halcyon days. Latin Text
♠ ApB 1.7.4 – Apollodoros, Bibliotheke (Library)
Alcyone was married by Ceyx, son of Lucifer. These perished by reason of their pride; for he said that his wife was Hera, and she said that her husband was Zeus. But Zeus turned them into birds; her he made a kingfisher ( alcyon) and him a gannet ( ceyx). Greek Text
♠ Hesiod, Ehoiai (Catalogue of Women) fr 10a.99-101 – Hesiodi Theogonia, Opera et Dies, Scutum, p. 230, ed. Solmsen. 3d ed. Oxford 1990.
♠ ApB 1.7.3 – Apollodoros, Bibliotheke (Library)
Pisidice had Antiphus and Actor by Myrmidon. Greek Text
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Edited by Elena Bianchelli, Senior Lecturer of Classical Languages and Culture, Univ. of Georgia, February 2022
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