The Battle of Gods and Gigantes (page 448)

Chapter 13: Herakles

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Hepta 423-25 – Aischylos, Hepta (Seven agains Thebes)

Capaneus is stationed at the Electran gates, another giant of a man, greater than the one described before. [425] But his boast is too proud for a mere humanGreek Text

Ag 692 – Aischylos, Agamemnon

earth-born Zephuros  Greek Text

Sophokles, Aigeus fr 24 R – Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta 4, pp. 125-26, ed. S.L. Radt. Göttingen 1977.

HF 177-80 – Euripides, Herakles Mainomenos (Hercules Furens)

I appeal then to the thunder of Zeus, and the chariot in which he rode, when he pierced the Giants, earth’s brood, to the heart with his winged shafts, [180] and with gods uplifted the glorious triumph song.  Greek Text

Euripides, Ion 206-18

See the battle of the giants, on the stone walls.

I am looking at it, my friends.

Do you see the one [210] brandishing her gorgon shield against Enceladus?

I see Pallas, my own goddess.

Now what? the mighty thunderbolt, blazing at both ends, in the far-shooting hands of Zeus?

I see it; [215] he is burning the furious Mimas to ashes in the fire.

And Bacchus, the roarer, is killing another of the sons of Earth with his ivy staff, unfit for war.  Greek Text

Euripides, Ion 989-96

There the earth brought forth the Gorgon, a dreadful monster.

[990] As an ally for her children and trouble for the gods?

Yes; and Pallas, the daughter of Zeus, killed it.

[What fierce shape did it have?

A breastplate armed with coils of a viper.]

Is this the story which I have heard before?

[995] That Athena wore the hide on her breast.

And they call it the aegis, Pallas’ armor?  Greek Text

Hek 466-74 – Euripides, Hekabe (Hecuba)

Or in the city of Pallas, the home of Athena of the lovely chariot, shall I then upon her saffron robe yoke horses, [470] embroidering them on my web in brilliant varied shades, or the race of Titans, put to sleep by Zeus the son of Cronos with bolt of flashing flame?  Greek Text

IT 221-24 – Euripides, Iphigeneia among the Tauroi

nor embroidering with my shuttle, in the singing loom, the likeness of Athenian Pallas and the Titans  Greek Text

♠ Σ Is 6.47 – Scholia to Pindar, Isthmian Odes – Scholia vetera in Pindari carmina, 3, pp. 254-55, ed. A.B Drachman. Leipzig 1927.

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Edited by Elena Bianchelli, Retired Senior Lecturer of Classical Languages and Culture, Univ. of Georgia, November 2023.

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