Chapter 3: Olympos, the Underworld, and Minor Divinities
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♦ Paestum Museum: metope from Heraion I at Foce del Sele with Sisyphos and his rock, tormented by a male demon (Thanatos?)
Paestum Museum, Wikimedia
♦ London, British Museum B261: Attic black-figure neck-amphora by Leagros Group, Underworld with Sisyphos and rock, Persephone, Hermes and Hades
Beazley Archive Pottery Database
♠ Hesiod, Ehoiai (Catalogue of Women) fr 30 MW – Fragmenta Hesiodea, pp. 19-21, ed. R. Merkelbach and M. L. West. Oxford 1967.
♠ Hesiod, Aspis (Shield of Herakles) 252-55
So soon as they caught a man overthrown or falling newly wounded, one of them would clasp her great claws about him, and his soul would go down to Hades to chilly Tartarus. Greek Text
♠ Anakreon 395 PMG – Poetae Melici Graeci, p. 198 ed. D. L. Page. Oxford 1962.
♠ Pindar, Paian 4.43-45 – Pindarus 2, p. 23, ed. B. Snell and H. Maehler. Leipzig 1975.
♠ Stesichoros 254 PMG – Poetae Melici Graeci, p. 129, ed. D. L. Page. Oxford 1962.
Stesichoros says that steep Tartarus is deep (Transl. E. Bianchelli)
♠ Alkaios 286 LP – Poetarum Lesbiorum Fragmenta, p. 227, ed. E. Lobel and D. L. Page. Oxford 1955.
♠ Pherekydes of Syros 7B5 – Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker 1, pp. 49-50, ed. H. Diels and W. Kranz. 6th ed. Berlin 1951.
♠ Aischylos, Prometheus Desmotes (Prometheus Vinctus, Prometheus Bound) 1018-21
First, the Father will shatter this jagged cliff with thunder and lightning-flame, and will entomb your frame, while the rock shall still hold you clasped in its embrace. But when you have completed a long stretch of time, you shall come back again to the light. Greek Text
♠ Aischylos, Prometheus Desmotes (Prometheus Vinctus, Prometheus Bound) 1028-29
will descend into the sunless realm of Death and the dark deeps of Tartarus Greek Text
♠ Aischylos, Prometheus Desmotes (Prometheus Vinctus, Prometheus Bound) 1050-52
and let him lift me on high and hurl me down to black Tartarus with the swirling floods of stern Necessity Greek Text
♠ Aischylos, Prometheus Desmotes (Prometheus Vinctus, Prometheus Bound) 221-23
and it is by reason of my counsel that the cavernous gloom of Tartarus now hides ancient Cronus and his allies within it. Greek Text
♠ Aischylos, Prometheus Desmotes (Prometheus Vinctus, Prometheus Bound) 152-54
Oh if only he had hurled me below the earth, yes beneath Hades, the entertainer of the dead, into impassable Tartarus. Greek Text
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#Hades, #Hermes, #Persephone, #rock, #Sisyphos, #Thanatos
Artistic sources edited by R. Ross Holloway, Elisha Benjamin Andrews Professor Emeritus, Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World, Brown Univ., and Frances Van Keuren, Prof. Emerita, Lamar Dodd School of Art, Univ. of Georgia, December 2017.
Literary sources edited by Elena Bianchelli, Retired Senior Lecturer of Classical Languages and Culture, Univ. of Georgia, February 2021
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