Onward to Kolchis (page 356 lower)

Chapter 12: Iason and the Argo

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Od 12.59-72 – Homer, Odyssey

For on the one hand are beetling crags, and against them [60] roars the great wave of dark-eyed Amphitrite; the Planctae do the blessed gods call these. Thereby not even winged things may pass, no, not the timorous doves that bear ambrosia to father Zeus, but the smooth rock ever snatches away one even of these, [65] and the father sends in another to make up the tale. And thereby has no ship of men ever yet escaped that has come thither, but the planks of ships and bodies of men are whirled confusedly by the waves of the sea and the blasts of baneful fire. One seafaring ship alone has passed thereby, [70] that Argo famed of all, on her voyage from Aeetes, and even her the wave would speedily have dashed there against the great crags, had not Here sent her through, for that Jason was dear to her.  Greek Text

Simonides 546 PMGPoetae Melici Graeci, p. 286, ed. D. L. Page. Oxford 1962.

Simonides calls the Clashing Rocks Synormades. (Transl. E. Bianchelli)

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Edited by Elena Bianchelli, Retired Senior Lecturer of Classical Languages and Culture, Univ. of Georgia, March 2022.

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