LP – Poetarum Lesbiorum Fragmenta

LP – Poetarum Lesbiorum Fragmenta, ed. E. Lobel and D.L. Page. Oxford 1955.

New Translations

Sappho 142 LP – p. 96

Leto and Niobe were exceedingly good friends  (Transl. Timothy Gantz)  EGM p. 537

Sappho 166 LP – p. 100

She says that Leda once found a well-covered hyacinth-colored egg.  (Transl. E. Bianchelli)  EGM p. 320

Sappho 198 LP – p. 105

Sappho traces Eros back to Gaia and Ouranos.

Alkaios said that Eros was the son of Iris and Zephyros, Sappho the son of Aphrodite and Ouranos.

Sappho from Lesbos sang many things and not all in agreement with other poets regarding Eros. (Transl. E. Bianchelli)   EGM p. 3 lower, 104

Sappho 200 LP – p. 105

Sappho says that Peitho is Aphrodite’s daughter. (Transl. E. Bianchelli)  EGM p. 104

Sappho 205 LP – p. 107

Homer says that the (Niobe’s) children were six boys and six girls, Euripides seven and seven, and Sappho nine and nine,…  (Transl. E. Bianchelli)

Aul. Gell. Noct. Att. xx 7 (ii 301 Hosius).  cf. quae Ael. V.H. xii 36 (p. 132 Hercher) de eadem re disserit.  EGM p. 537

Sappho 206 LP – p. 107

Some say that seven boys and seven girls were taken, whom Theseus freed together with himself…, as Plato relates in the Phaedo (58a) and Sappho in her lyrics… (Transl. E. Bianchelli)  EGM pp. 260, 262 lower

 Sappho 207 LP p. 108  =  Servius, Scholia to Vergil, Eclogues 6.42 – Servii Grammatici qui feruntur in Vergilii Bucolica et Georgica Commentarii, p. 72, ed. G. Thilo. Leipzig 1881.

It is said that Prometheus, son of Iapetus and Clymene, after creating men, ascended to heaven with the help of Minerva and after bringing a torch up to the circle of the Sun he stole the fire, which he made known to men. For this reason the enraged gods sent two evils to earth, women and diseases, as both Sappho and Hesiod say.  (Transl. E. Bianchelli)  Latin Text  EGM p. 157

Alkaios 349 LP –  p. 271

Alkaios sang the birth of Hephaistos. (Transl. E. Bianchelli) EGM p. 75

Alkaios 441 LP – p. 290

and Alkaios says that the Phaiacians derive their origin from the blood of Ouranos. (Transl. E. Bianchelli)   EGM p. 16 upper

Alkaios 443 LP – p. 291

Alkaios says that the Hydra had nine heads, but Simonides says that it had fifty. (Transl. E. Bianchelli) EGM p. 23, 385

Alkaios 447 LP – p. 291

Alkaios introduces Hermes as the cup-bearer of the gods, and so does Sappho…  (Transl. E. Bianchelli)  EGM p. 111



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