The Fate of Aias (page 632, with art)

Chapter 16, The Trojan War Previous Page   Table of Contents   Next Page ♦ Paris, Louvre E643: Late Corinthian hydria with mourning over body of Achilleus by Thetis (with her arms around her son’s head) and her sister Nereides; arms of Achilleus under couch on which he is laid  Wikimedia Beazley Archive Pottery Database Digital … Continue reading The Fate of Aias (page 632, with art)

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Penthesileia and Memnon (page 623, with art)

Chapter 16, The Trojan War Previous Page   Table of Contents   Next Page ♦ Berlin, Antikensammlungen F1147: Middle Corinthian column krater with Achilleus fighting Memnon flickr Digital LIMC ♦ Korinth Museum C-1972-149: Late Corinthian column krater fragments with Achilleus and Memnon fighting over body of Antilochos C.K. Williams et al., “Corinth, 1972: The Forum Area,” Hesperia 42.1 … Continue reading Penthesileia and Memnon (page 623, with art)

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Troilos and Lykaon (page 598, with art)

Chapter 16, The Trojan War Previous Page   Table of Contents   Next Page ♦ London, British Museum. 1969,1215.1: Protocorinthian aryballos by the Evelyn Painter with warrior in armor (Achilleus ?) walking behind unarmed horseback rider (Troilos ?) British Museum ♦ Athens, Paul and Alexandra Canellopoulos Museum 1319: Protocorinthian aryballos, with Achilleus in pursuit of Troilos Pierre … Continue reading Troilos and Lykaon (page 598, with art)

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Minor Divinities (page 146, with art)

Chapter 3: Olympos, the Underworld, and Minor Divinities Previous Page    Table of Contents    Next Page ♦ Athens, Acropolis Museum 1.587:  Attic black figure dinos fragment by Sophilos, Chariklo iconiclimc Beazley Archive Pottery Database ♦ London, British Museum, 1971,1101.1: Attic black-figure dinos by Sophilos (“The Erskine Dinos”), wedding of Peleus and Thetis: Cheiron, Hebe, Dionysos, … Continue reading Minor Divinities (page 146, with art)

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The Titans (page 37, with art)

Chapter 1: The Early Gods Previous Page    Table of Contents    Next Page ♠ Sappho 58 LP – Poetarum Lesbiorum Fragmenta, pp. 41-42, ed. E. Lobel and D. L. Page. Oxford 1955 ♠ Mimnermos 4 W – Iambi et Elegi Graeci 2, p. 84, ed. M. L. West. Oxford 1972 To Tithonos he gave to … Continue reading The Titans (page 37, with art)

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