Skylla and Glaukos (page 733 upper)

Chapter 18: Other Myths Previous Page    Table of Contents    Next Page ♠ Scholion at Euripides, Orestes 364 – Scholia in Euripidem, vol. 1, p. 137, ed. E. Schwartz. Berlin 1887.  Greek Text ♠ Scholion at Vergil, Georgics 1.437 – Servii Grammatici qui feruntur in Vergilii Bucolica et Georgica Commentarii, p. 211, ed. G. Thilo. Leipzig 1881. Latin … Continue reading Skylla and Glaukos (page 733 upper)

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Skylla and Glaukos (page 732)

Chapter 18: Other Myths Previous Page    Table of Contents    Next Page ♠ Scholion at Homer, Odyssey 12.85 – Scholia Graeca in Homeris Odysseam, vol. 2, pp. 536-37, ed. W. Dindorf. Oxford 1855. Greek Text ♠ Vergil, Ciris 54-88 Latin Text ♠ Ovid, Metamorphoses 13.749 And the nymph, daughter of Nereus [of Kratais], thus replied … Continue reading Skylla and Glaukos (page 732)

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