Page 163 (with art)

Chapter 4: Prometheus and the First Men Previous Page   Table of Contents   Next Page ♠ Aischylos, Prometheus Desmotes (Prometheus Vinctus, Prometheus Bound) 1026-30 Look for no term of this your agony until some god shall appear to take upon himself your woes and of his own free will descend into the sunless realm of Death … Continue reading Page 163 (with art)

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The Children of Kronos: Demeter (page 68, with art)

Chapter 2: The Olympians Previous Page    Table of Contents    Next Page ♦ Dresden, Albertinum 350: Attic red-figure calyx krater with Persephone, Hermes and Silenoi P. Herrmann, “Erwerbungen der Antikensammlungen in Deutschland,” Archäologischer Anzeiger 1892, 166 fig. 33 N. Des Vergers, L’Étrurie et les Étrusques: ou, Dix ans de fouilles dans les Maremmes toscanes, … Continue reading The Children of Kronos: Demeter (page 68, with art)

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