Aineias (page 716, with art)

Chapter 17, The Return from Troy Previous Page   Table of Contents   Next Page ♦ Naples, Museo Nazionale 81669 (H2422): Attic red-figure hydria by Kleophrades Painter with Sack of Troy, including armed Aineias carrying Anchises, with Askanios leading the way (for rescue of aged Aithra by her grandsons Demophon and Akamas from same vase, … Continue reading Aineias (page 716, with art)

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Aineias (page 715, with art)

Chapter 17, The Return from Troy Previous Page   Table of Contents   Next Page ♠ Stesichoros, Iliou Persis 205 PMG – Poetae Melici Graeci, pp. 205-6, ed. D. L. Page. Oxford 1962. ♦ Paris, Louvre F122: Attic black-figure eye cup with armed Aineias fleeing Troy, carrying his father Anchises on his back and accompanied by his son Askanios, whose legs are … Continue reading Aineias (page 715, with art)

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Aineias (page 714, with art)

Chapter 17, The Return from Troy Previous Page   Table of Contents   Next Page ♠ Homer, Iliad 20.300-308 Nay, come, let us head him forth from out of death, lest the son of Cronos be anywise wroth, if so be Achilles slay him; for it is ordained unto him to escape, that the race … Continue reading Aineias (page 714, with art)

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