Agamemnon (page 670, with art)

Chapter 17, The Return from Troy Previous Page   Table of Contents   Next Page ♦ Basel, Antikenmuseum and Ludwig Collection BS 318: relief from terracotta band, reputedly from Sicily, possibly with the boiling of Minos, who is in the lebes of a tripod, as a female (a daughter of Kokalos?) seizes Minos’ arm while … Continue reading Agamemnon (page 670, with art)

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Aktaion (page 481 upper, with art)

Chapter 14: Thebes Previous Page  Table of Contents  Next Page ♦ Copenhagen, Thorvaldsen Museum 99: Attic red-figure neck-amphora with Artemis and Aktaion, who is wearing deerskin and using club against attacking dogs P. Jacobstahl, “Aktaions Tod,” Marburger Jahrbuch für Kunstwissenschaft 5 (1929), p.4 fig. 6 Beazley Archive Pottery Database ♦Palermo, Museo Archeologico Regionale 3291C: metope from … Continue reading Aktaion (page 481 upper, with art)

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The Aloadai (page 171 upper, with art)

Chapter 5: The Line of Deukalion Previous Page   Table of Contents   Next Page ♠ Hyginus, Fabulae 28 OTOS AND EPHIALTES: Otos and Ephialtes, sons of Aloeus and Iphimede, . . . daughter [of Neptune], are said to have been of extraordinary size. They each grew nine inches every month, and so when they were nine years old, they tried to … Continue reading The Aloadai (page 171 upper, with art)

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Lykaon and Kallisto (page 728, with art)

Chapter 18: Other Myths Previous Page    Table of Contents    Next Page ♦ Polygnotos’ Nekuia painting at Knidian Lesche, Delphi (known through Pausanias’ description and modern reconstructions) ♠ Pausanias, Description of Greece 10.31.10 Higher up than these is Callisto, daughter of Lycaon, Nomia, and Pero, daughter of Neleus. As her bride-price Neleus asked for the … Continue reading Lykaon and Kallisto (page 728, with art)

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Labor III: The Keryneian/Kerynitian Hind (page 388, with art)

Chapter 13: Herakles Previous Page    Table of Contents    Next Page ♠ Hyginus, Fabulae 30 The wild stag with golden horns in Arcadia he brought alive to show Eurystheus. Latin Text ♦ Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology 75-35-1: Boiotian fibula with Herakles attacking Hind with a spear as he holds one of her … Continue reading Labor III: The Keryneian/Kerynitian Hind (page 388, with art)

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The Children of Zeus: Apollo (page 89, with art)

Chapter 2: The Olympians Previous Page   Table of Contents    Next Page ♦ Lost Apulian? amphora with Leto with children (Apollo and Artemis?) and snake (Python?) Wm. Tischbein, Collection of engravings from ancient vases mostly of pure Greek workmanship… vol. 3 (1795), pl. 4 ♦ Rome, Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia: terracotta acroterion from Portonaccio temple, … Continue reading The Children of Zeus: Apollo (page 89, with art)

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