Troilos and Lykaon (page 598, with art)

Chapter 16, The Trojan War Previous Page   Table of Contents   Next Page ♦ London, British Museum. 1969,1215.1: Protocorinthian aryballos by the Evelyn Painter with warrior in armor (Achilleus ?) walking behind unarmed horseback rider (Troilos ?) British Museum ♦ Athens, Paul and Alexandra Canellopoulos Museum 1319: Protocorinthian aryballos, with Achilleus in pursuit of Troilos Pierre … Continue reading Troilos and Lykaon (page 598, with art)

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The Landing: Protesilaos, Kyknos, and the Embassy to Troy (page 595, with art)

Chapter 16, The Trojan War Previous Page   Table of Contents   Next Page ♦ Vatican Museums, Museo Gregoriano Etrusco K40099 (Astarita Krater): Late Corinthian column krater, Greek embassy seeking the recovery of Helen flickr image: seated Greeks Menelaos, Odysseus and Talthybios are greeted by Trojan Theano (wife of Antenor) and two maids flickr image: Trojan trophos … Continue reading The Landing: Protesilaos, Kyknos, and the Embassy to Troy (page 595, with art)

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