The Fall of Troy (page 656, with art)

Chapter 16, The Trojan War Previous Page   Table of Contents   Next Page ♦ Olympia, Archaeological Museum B 847: bronze shield-band relief with Neoptolemos and Astyanax? E. Kunze, Archaische Schildbänder. Olympische Forschungen 2 (1950) pl. 29 Digital LIMC ♦ Olympia, Archaeological Museum B 160: fragmentary bronze shield-band relief with Neoptolemos attacking Priam with a spear; … Continue reading The Fall of Troy (page 656, with art)

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The Fate of Aias (page 634, with art)

Chapter 16, The Trojan War Previous Page   Table of Contents   Next Page ♦ Basel, Antikenmuseum and Ludwig Collection BS 1404: Middle Corinthian cup with Aias impaled on his sword, discovered by Achaian leaders Digital LIMC ♦ Olympia, Archaeological Museum B 1636: bronze shield-band relief with Aias impaled on sword, discovered by two Achaian … Continue reading The Fate of Aias (page 634, with art)

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The Fate of Aias (page 632, with art)

Chapter 16, The Trojan War Previous Page   Table of Contents   Next Page ♦ Paris, Louvre E643: Late Corinthian hydria with mourning over body of Achilleus by Thetis (with her arms around her son’s head) and her sister Nereides; arms of Achilleus under couch on which he is laid  Wikimedia Beazley Archive Pottery Database Digital … Continue reading The Fate of Aias (page 632, with art)

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The Death of Achilleus (page 626, with art)

Chapter 16, The Trojan War Previous Page   Table of Contents  Next Page ♠ Lactantius Placidus, scholia at Statius: Achilleis 1.134 – Lactantii Placidi qui dicitur commentarios in Statii Thebaida et commentarium in Achilleida 3, pp. 492-93, ed. R. Jahnke. Leipzig 1898. Latin Text ♠ Lactantius Placidus, scholia at Statius: Achilleis 1.269 – Lactantii Placidi qui dicitur commentarios … Continue reading The Death of Achilleus (page 626, with art)

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The Events of the Iliad (page 620, with art)

Chapter 16, The Trojan War Previous Page   Table of Contents   Next Page ♦ Florence, Museo Nazionale Archeologico 4209: Attic black-figure volute krater by Kleitias and Ergotimos (François Krater), with chariot race from the funeral games of Patroklos, officiated by Achilleus (second band from top) Flickr From right to left, Achilleus stands next to tripod, facing … Continue reading The Events of the Iliad (page 620, with art)

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Penthesileia and Memnon (page 623, with art)

Chapter 16, The Trojan War Previous Page   Table of Contents   Next Page ♦ Berlin, Antikensammlungen F1147: Middle Corinthian column krater with Achilleus fighting Memnon flickr Digital LIMC ♦ Korinth Museum C-1972-149: Late Corinthian column krater fragments with Achilleus and Memnon fighting over body of Antilochos C.K. Williams et al., “Corinth, 1972: The Forum Area,” Hesperia 42.1 … Continue reading Penthesileia and Memnon (page 623, with art)

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