The Descendants of Inachos (page 210 with art)

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Euripides, Kretes fr 472 N² – Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta, pp. 505-6, ed. A. Nauck, 2nd ed. Leipzig 1889.

Greek Text

♠ Il 14.321-22 – Homer, Iliad

nor of the daughter of far-famed Phoenix, that bare me Minos and godlike Rhadamanthys.  Greek Text

ΣAb Il 12.292 – Scholia Ab to Homer, Iliad – Scholia Graeca in Homeri Iliadem I, pp. 427-28, ed. W. Dindorf and E. Maass. Oxford 1875.

Greek Text

same as

Hesiod, Ehoiai (Catalogue of Women) fr 140 MW – Fragmenta Hesiodea, p. 68, ed. R. Merkelbach and M. L. West. Oxford 1967.

same as

Bak fr 10 SM – Bakchylides, Odes Bacchylidis Carmina cum fragmentis, p. 88, ed. B. Snell and H. Maehler. Leipzig 1970.

Hesiod, Ehoiai (Catalogue of Women) fr 141 MW – Fragmenta Hesiodea, pp. 68-69, ed. R. Merkelbach and M. L. West. Oxford 1967.

[And] the father [mingled with her in love] and gave a gift, a golden necklace that Hephaisos famed for his art [5] …with his [know]ing wits…bringing [it to his fath]er; and he received the gift;…to the [daughter] of illustrious Pheonix…to the slender-ankled Europa he was about to…the father of gods and men [10] …from beside the fair-haired maid. [And she bore sons] to the exceedingly mighty son of Kronos…commanders of many men, [lordly Minos] and just Rhadamanthys  [and divine Sarpedon], noble and powerful…   (Transl. Nick Gardner)

Pherekydes FGrH 3F89 – Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker 1p. 84, ed. F. Jacoby. 2d ed. Leiden 1957.

Greek Text

Paris, Cabinet des Médailles 3003: fragment from neck of relief amphora with Europa on bull

D. Steiner, “The Priority of Pots: Pandora’s pithos re-viewed,” in Mères et maternités en Grèce ancienne (2013), 211-238, fig. 2


Rome, Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia 50643: Caeretan hydria with Europa on bull

Wikimedia photo


Palermo, Museo Nazionale 3915: metope from “Temple Y”, Selinous, with Europa and bull

Wikimedia photo

Aischylos, Kares fr 99 R – Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta3, pp. 217-21, ed. S. L. Radt. Göttingen 1985.

Od 4.563-64 – Homer, Odyssey

the Elysian plain and the bounds of the earth will the immortals convey thee, where dwells fair-haired Rhadamanthus  Greek Text

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Literary sources edited by Elena Bianchelli, Retired Senior Lecturer of Classical Languages and Culture, Univ. of Georgia, January 2024.

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